Saturday, November 17, 2007

Peeling Away the Veneer

I have been curious to note on very many old churches here that there are sections of the exterior which are left stripped down to the bare stone or brick. At first I wondered if there was some symbolic religious significance, but finally concluded it may just be an effort to demonstrate the underlying antiquity of the structure.

I believe it is a good thing to be constantly aware of our underlying foundation. We spend much of our lives applying stucco, plaster, paint, varnish and filigree. It is a good thing to know who we are and what our underlying fabric consists of. Otherwise, the interior masonry may decay, and we are left with an empty shell.

The underlying foundation stones of Ukraine are steady and sure. I am grateful on this trip to have been able to see a few sections of this nation which are "left exposed," beneath the plaster and paint of all of the "Western" or "Russian" influences which threaten this society like a tsunami.

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