Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pechersk--Lavra's Grand Church and Belltower

The Dormition Cathedral, which is Lavra's Grand central church, is esteemed as the holiest site in all of eastern Europe. It was first built soon after 1170, though it was almost completely destroyed in 1941. It stands in the center of a large plaza completely surrounded by walls, monastic buildings and other churches. Adjacent to its main south-facing front is the amazing belltower. The golden cupolas and domes of this stunning structure were radiant in the sun when I saw it. I had originally intended to come here the day after my arrival, last Saturday, but was turned back by rain. I am actually glad that I waited until a morning of rare sunshine so that I could see this place in all of its golden splendor.

In the book shop I spent some time looking at some historical pictures of this site. The most stunning is an aerial photograph taken during the 1940's after the building was almost completely destroyed in an explosion in 1941. One account that I have read indicates that it may have been destroyed by the Soviet forces after the occupation of Germany in an attempt to kill visiting German dignitaries. The destruction did not affect the adjacent Refectory "Temple"--of which I will have much, much more to say later.

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