Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Stumbling Upon Book Heaven

Over the past few days I have stumbled upon book heaven--two locations where I could spend literally days wandering the book stalls. The first location is in an underground shopping complex just north of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and the Vichnooy Slavy Park (Park of "Eternal Glory" with its World War II Monument). Here I found at least twenty separat books stores, all in one location, including used bookstores and bookstores with all Ukrainian (as opposed to Russian) literature. I have returned twice to browse the shelves, and picked up works by the Ukrainian writer Taras Schevchenko as well as a fine Russian Bible, and three detective novels by the Russian writer Boris Akunin (which I have enjoyed very much in English translation). There is also an excellent cafeteria style eating establishment at this location.

The second location, of course, is the book market at Petrivka, which I visited yesterday on its Monday "day off" while I was at the "City.Com" electronics store buying Cyrillic keyboards for myself and another American judge. I intend to return to the Petrivka Book Market before the week's end.

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