Sunday, February 28, 2010

Courage, Service, Humanity

I'll confess that today had a few tense and even frightening moments--when the plane seemed about to crash in Paris, when I missed my connecting flight, and when I momentarily couldn't find anyone at the airport (David & Chelom Leavitt were outside with their driver).

As our plane descended into the heavy cloud cover over Kyiv this evening, just after sunset, I marveled at how the pilots are able to land these big birds in the darkness and mist. Even with a full instrument panel, it takes a great deal of courage to fly a plane.

David & Chelom Leavitt's organization has had a motto of "Courage, Service, Humanity" for several years. I like that very much, and especially since it so well describes this couple. They are truly courageous people. In 2004 and 2005 they brought their entire family to live in Kyiv, during the Orange Revolution and its aftermath, no less. And this year they have again moved to Kyiv for several months to oversee the B.U.I.L.D. Initiative and to work with the mock trial teams in the spring. I saw several of the kids at their home this evening. They truly epitomize the qualities of "Courage, Service and Humanity."

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